Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Home again

On July 11, 2024, my mother left home for the last time.
On August 25, 2024, she died in the night in a nursing home.
On September 10, 2024, she returned home in a black box of ashes.

I know the ashes are not the person. What cruelty it is to have ash as the substitute.
I believe the spirit or energy of my mother lives on in some way.
I believe energy is never lost, and that hers and mine will recombine, eventually.

Every day, I cry. What cruelty it is to have tears as the evidence of love.
I have done all that can be done and must accept eternity's fate. 
Now I must calculate how to fulfill the command - honor thy mother.

May her energy live on in the hearts of those who loved her.
May our tears wane and joy return.
May she rest in peace.