Monday, August 12, 2024

Hardest Things

Among the hardest things I've ever had to do are: 

  • Finding out that I had said goodbye to my sister for the very last time, wishing for one more chance.
  • Leaving my daughter at her university two hours from home and just driving away.
  • Walking two miles to the hospital after finding out that my son was seriously injured in an auto accident.
  • Seeing my father, my rock, the emotionally strongest person I have ever known, reduced by Lewy Body dementia. 
  • Holding my mother's hand, counting the breaths, and lying to my mother, telling her that we would be okay when she dies.   
The hardest things we do, the most painful memories we experience, are about family -- about missing them. Remember that. There is no job to go to, no bill to pay, no home renovation to do, no offense to be carried, no guilt to hide behind, there is nothing more important than family.

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